CAT tool server connectors can only be managed by system administrators.

CAT tool server connectors are managed on the Administration > CAT tool servers page. This page also displays the connection status of all CAT tool server connectors.


To set up a memoQ connector in Globalese, you will need to know:

  • The full URL of your memoQ server. This will take the shape of or similar.

  • Your memoQ server version.

  • Your memoQ API key, if using memoQ 8 or later.

Creating a new memoQ connector

  1. Go to Administration > CAT tool servers, and click Create new.

  2. The Name field is the name Globalese will identify the memoQ connection. If you have more than one memoQ server to connect to, this name will help you distinguish them.

  3. Select memoQ in the Type dropdown.

  4. Choose your memoQ server version.

  5. Enter the server URL (including port number) in the URL field.

  6. If your memoQ server version is 8 or above, enter your API key in the API key field.

  7. Click Check connection to verify the connection details.

  8. If the connection is working, click Save.


To set up a Memsource connector in Globalese, you will need to know:

  • Your Memsource username.

  • Your Memsource password.

Creating a new Memsource connector

  1. Go to Administration > CAT tool servers, and click Create new.

  2. The Name field is the name Globalese will identify the Memsource connection. If you have more than one Memsource instance to connect to, this name will help you distinguish them.

  3. Select Memsource in the Type dropdown.

  4. Enter your Memsource username and password.

  5. Click Check connection to verify the connection details.

  6. If the connection is working, click Save.


To set up a Smartcat connector in Globalese, you will need to know:

  • The region of your Smartcat server.

  • Your Smartcat corporate account ID.

  • Your Smartcat API key.

Creating a new Smartcat connector

  1. Go to Administration > CAT tool servers, and click Create new.

  2. The Name field is the name Globalese will identify the Smartcat connection. If you have more than one Smartcat instance to connect to, this name will help you distinguish them.

  3. Select Smartcat in the Type dropdown.

  4. Choose a server region.

  5. Enter your Smartcat account ID and API key for your corporate account in the Account ID and API key fields.

  6. Click Check connection to verify the connection details.

  7. If the connection is working, click Save.


To set up an XTM connector in Globalese, you will need to know:

  • The server URL of your XTM instance.

  • Your client name in XTM.

  • Your XTM user ID.

  • Your XTM password.

Creating a new XTM connector

  1. Go to Administration > CAT tool servers, and click Create new.

  2. The Name field is the name Globalese will identify the XTM connection. If you have more than one XTM instance to connect to, this name will help you distinguish them.

  3. Select XTM in the Type dropdown.

  4. Enter the server URL in the URL field.

  5. Enter your client name in the Client field.

  6. Enter your XTM user ID (not your username) and password.

  7. Click Check connection to verify the connection details.

  8. If the connection is working, click Save.