This plugin provides a way for Globalese users to pre-translate files or entire projects from Trados Studio 2019/2021/2022.


This plugin can only be used for pre-translating entire files. If you are looking for segment-level translation, check out the Cloud text translation plugin for Trados Studio

This plugin can only be used for pre-translating entire files. If you are looking for segment-level translation, check out the Cloud text translation plugin for Trados Studio


Around July 2022, there was a change in how the RWS AppStore works. You need to set up a private AppStore to be able to access plugins. For a detailed documentation, click here.

The Globalese plugin for Trados Studio can be downloaded from the RWS Private AppStore for versions 2021 (versions 5.x.x.x) and 2022 (versions 6.x.x.x). As Studio 2019 will reach its end of life at the end of 2022, RWS no longer host plugins for Studio 2019. You can download the unsigned plugin from below:

Plugin version

Trados Studio version


Supported Trados Studio versions

Check out this page about RWS’s support policy for different versions of Trados Studio. In alignment with RWS’s support policy,

Setting up the Globalese plugin for Trados Studio

After installing the plugin, a new batch task becomes available in Studio, which can be applied to both projects and files, just like the default batch tasks (e.g. Pre-translate Files).

Pre-translating files with Globalese from Trados Studio


The plugin only works via a HTTPS connection.

The plugin only works via a HTTPS connection.

  1. Navigate to the project or file you want to pre-translate with Globalese.

  2. Select Globalese Translation from the Batch Tasks menu to apply the task to specific files or to the entire project.

  3. Find the project file in the Select sdlproj file field.

  4. Once the project file has been selected in the Select sdlproj file field, enter the configuration details.

    1. The Globalese server URL can be retrieved from the About menu (the right side of the footer in Globalese). The user name and API key can be retrieved from your user profile (<user name> → Profile).

    2. If you require a proxy server, you also need to check the Use proxy server box, then enter the proxy server details.

  5. Click the Connect button.

  6. The list of groups will be populated. Choose a group from the Select group drop-down list.

  7. For each project target language, select the Globalese engine you want to use for pre-translation. If a language should not be translated, just leave the Engine drop-down list empty.

  8. The language/engine assignments will be shown in the text field below the language / engine table.

  9. Click Finish to start the translation process.
    Note: by default, Globalese projects, which are generated in the background on the Globalese server, will be deleted from Globalese after the translated files have been downloaded to your Studio project.

  10. Wait for the process to complete. The translated files will then be available in your Studio project.
    Note: Globalese will send a notification email whenever the files of a particular target language have been pre-translated. This is because Globalese treats each language pair as a different project. You can turn off email notifications in your user profile in Globalese.

Log file location

The log file can be found in the %TEMP% directory as Globalese_Studio_<version>_LogFile.log.

Upgrade notes

From v3.1.0.0 or v4.1.0.0

  1. Remove the existing plugin using the SDL Plugin Management tool.

  2. Locate a folder named Globalese in your Documents directory (C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Globalese) and remove the file named GlobaleseSettings3.0.xml.

  3. Install the new version of the plugin. This will recreate the above XML settings file to provide the configurable option for the polling frequency.


v4.4.2.0, v5.4.2.0 and v6.4.2.0

v4.4.1.0, v5.4.1.0 and v6.4.1.0

v4.4.0.0 and v5.4.0.0

v4.3.1.0 and v5.3.1.0


v3.2.0.0 and v4.2.0.0

v3.1.0.0 and v4.1.0.0