Text translation using deployed engines

Text translation using deployed engines

Custom engines can be turned on and off in the cloud to accept one or more sentences for translation in real-time. The text translation service scales up and down automatically, which means it can be used both for instant propagation in CAT tools and for API integration scenarios with high workloads.

Looking for documentation to help you develop your own integration? Look here.


Deploying engines

See how to manage engine deployment here.

Translating text

Once the deployment status of an engine is On, you can use CAT tool plugins or your own custom integration to translate one or more sentences in real-time.

Once an engine has been started, it accepts authorised requests. If you want to prevent anyone from sending translation requests and thus generating costs, make sure the engine is stopped when it’s not needed.

The current status of CAT tool plugins is as follows (last updated 22 Nov 2021):


Pricing is based on the number of translated source text characters. The actual price is listed on the Pricing page under “Text translation”.

Please note that the number of characters sent to the engine are counted verbatim. This may not be the same amount of characters that you’ll find in a saved .mqxliff, .sdlxliff etc. file, and may also change over time as implementations change. Please note that Globalese has no say in how third-party SDKs work.


A plugin may be sending this payload to the engine for translation (726 characters):

<bpt id=\"1\">&lt;inline_tag id=&quot;0&quot;&gt;</bpt><bpt id=\"2\">&lt;inline_tag id=&quot;1&quot;&gt;</bpt><bpt id=\"3\">&lt;u&gt;</bpt>My hovercraft<ept id=\"4\">&lt;/u&gt;</ept><ept id=\"5\">&lt;/inline_tag&gt;</ept><ept id=\"6\">&lt;/inline_tag&gt;</ept> <bpt id=\"7\">&lt;inline_tag id=&quot;4&quot;&gt;</bpt> is <ept id=\"8\">&lt;/inline_tag&gt;</ept> <bpt id=\"9\">&lt;inline_tag id=&quot;6&quot;&gt;</bpt><bpt id=\"10\">&lt;inline_tag id=&quot;7&quot;&gt;</bpt><bpt id=\"11\">&lt;u&gt;</bpt>full<ept id=\"12\">&lt;/u&gt;</ept><ept id=\"13\">&lt;/inline_tag&gt;</ept><ept id=\"14\">&lt;/inline_tag&gt;</ept> <bpt id=\"15\">&lt;inline_tag id=&quot;10&quot;&gt;</bpt> of eels.<ept id=\"16\">&lt;/inline_tag&gt;</ept>

Whereas in the XLIFF file you will actually see this (1,311 characters):

<bpt id="1" ctype="underlined">{}</bpt> <bpt id="2" rid="1">&lt;hlnk id=&quot;rId5&quot; tgtFrame=&quot;_blank&quot; tooltip=&quot;@22b79946-8794-4145-9f7b-86d22286f8e5&quot; history=&quot;1&quot; fileName=&quot;document.xml&quot; href=&quot;@7082a66b-201f-4ff8-bb4b-271a155ed6d3&quot;&gt;</bpt> <bpt id="3" rid="2">&lt;rpr id=&quot;2&quot;&gt;</bpt>My hovercraft<ept id="1">{}</ept> <ept id="4" rid="2">&lt;/rpr id=&quot;2&quot; transform=&quot;close&quot;&gt;</ept> <ept id="5" rid="1">&lt;/hlnk&gt;</ept> <bpt id="6" rid="3">&lt;rpr id=&quot;3&quot;&gt;</bpt> is <bpt id="7" ctype="underlined">{}</bpt> <ept id="8" rid="3">&lt;/rpr id=&quot;3&quot; transform=&quot;close&quot;&gt;</ept> <bpt id="9" rid="4">&lt;hlnk id=&quot;rId6&quot; tgtFrame=&quot;_blank&quot; tooltip=&quot;@22670156-70a4-41c8-b155-569cf3bfbb23&quot; history=&quot;1&quot; fileName=&quot;document.xml&quot; href=&quot;@1deeae21-991e-49b5-99bf-19536223af59&quot;&gt;</bpt> <bpt id="10" rid="5">&lt;rpr id=&quot;2&quot;&gt;</bpt>full<ept id="7">{}</ept> <ept id="11" rid="5">&lt;/rpr id=&quot;2&quot; transform=&quot;close&quot;&gt;</ept> <ept id="12" rid="4">&lt;/hlnk&gt;</ept> <bpt id="13" rid="6">&lt;rpr id=&quot;3&quot;&gt;</bpt> of eels.<ept id="14" rid="6">&lt;/rpr id=&quot;3&quot; transform=&quot;close&quot;&gt;</ept>

See further pricing details here.

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