

CAT tool

File format(s) supported for translation
when manually uploading project files to Globalese or using a connector

CAT tool plugin for text translation
using custom engines in the cloud

CAT tool plugin for document translation

Globalese connector
for retrieving corpora from CAT tools, and pulling/delivering files from CAT tool projects

CAT tool

File format(s) supported for translation
when manually uploading project files to Globalese or using a connector

CAT tool plugin for text translation
using custom engines in the cloud

CAT tool plugin for document translation

Globalese connector
for retrieving corpora from CAT tools, and pulling/delivering files from CAT tool projects










Idiom WorldServer

.xlf, .xlz





.mqxliff, .mqxlz


.mxliff, .xliff









Trados Studio
















WordFast Anywhere








Any tool using XLIFF 1.2





† Exported XLIFF 1.2 files can be translated in Globalese and reimported into Across when using crossConnect for External Editing, which is licensed separately. For more information, consult the Across help pages or contact Across.

Check out this page to find out what elements/attributes are required and what is changed during pre-translation.

CAT tool plugins for Globalese

Using plugins in CAT tools, you can configure Globalese engines in the CAT tools themselves. CAT tool plugins are accessible from the CAT tool UI and can be used to pre-translate project files without having to log in to Globalese.

Plugins for Crowdin, Phrase, translate5 and Wordbee are maintained by their respective providers.

Globalese connectors for CAT tools

Globalese provides connectors to memoQ, Phrase, Smartcat and XTM. After configuring a connection in Globalese, you can:

  • Pre-translate files on your CAT tool server without having to worry about exporting/importing them. Just create a Globalese project and connect to your project on your server. Pull the files from the CAT tool server project, translate them in Globalese, and push them back to the server.

  • Easily retrieve training corpora from memoQ, Phrase, Smartcat or XTM.

Managing CAT tool server connectors

See CAT tool server connectors